Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Software Transparency II

After posting a brief description of what I believe Software Transparency should mean, I found several references to this keyword (using Google).

  1. A company that registered the term transparency software as a trade mark. They sell database reverse engineering tools.
  2. A blog note by Dana Blankenhorn on ZDNet commenting on the announcement by Palamida of an auditing product that helps software transparency. It also mentions GroundWork, a company that sells IT infrastructure monitoring.
  3. Reflective is a company that sells software testing technology, it uses the term in a restricted way, for the consuption of software developers.
  4. Eric Sink reporting on the concept of transparency at Microsoft. It is not a conincidence that it comes from the Visual Studio group.
  5. A note from Dana Blankenhorn on Corante with the title "Open Source Transparency", brings up the key point: "you can see the code". However, who will understand it, and yet, who guarantees that the code you see is the code that is running.
  6. Prof. Tanimoto presented a keynote at VL/HCC 05 where he links transparency to interfaces:
Transparency is an aspect of software comprising openness in design, glass-box features, and support for interactive inspection.


Please see other notes on the topic following the tags.

More details on software transparency are available here.

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